15 February 2010

And You Thought Prophylactics Were Embarrassing

Today the fun of pregnancy hit an all new level when I went to the pharmacy and picked up some supplies for birth.

First I stocked up on the Preparation H, and then the stool softener (I'm told it's a neccessity for the first few days post-birth).

And then Internet, I got to go to the incontinence aisle and find pads and underwear. Awesome. There are these nifty pads that spread out flat and are waterproof. These were recommended for putting on the bed before labor in case your water breaks while you're in bed, and then after to absorb any lochia leaks. And let me tell you, you haven't begun to have fun until you're standing there reading the Depends packaging to try to figure out which size you need.

I also returned to my car after lunch to find that someone had parked too close to my car on the driver's side for me to get in. Fortunately, I was able to climb in on the passenger side and climb over the center console. It was neither pretty nor graceful. 36 weeks pregnant is not the time to be attempting to climb over anything...

Yup, it was a banner day.

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