19 May 2010

P.S. Thanks for Leather Furniture

Yesterday I was attempting to drink while breastfeeding and, typically of me, I forgot to swallow and then breathe. So I started choking and coughing, still valiantly trying to hold the baby, and ended up wetting my pants. Which made me laugh, which made me cough harder, which made me wet my pants. I holler for my husband, who can't understand what I'm saying with all the coughing and sputtering and laughing; and finally manage to make him understand that I need him to take the baby so I can clean up. I unlatch the baby, hand him off and begin attempting to clean the couch. Of course, by now, my milk had let down and was dripping everywhere I was trying to clean. I did get it all cleaned up and finished feeding the baby.

It was one of those moments when I realized that a lot of things about motherhood are weird and gross and hilarious.

And also that I'm so glad we have leather furniture.

And Jon, stop laughing.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAH! Oh Jill, you are fabulously great- at this motherhood thing!
    Sounds very wonderful...even while peeing your pants!


ya'll come back now, ya hear?