10 March 2009

More Tests

Well, my vet had a chance to confer with other vets and we have a few ideas for more tests. One vet suggested Lyme disesase as a possible culprit. It's fairly uncommon out here (but very, VERY common where I'm from) which is why it hadn't occurred to her to test for it. We're also going to test for myositis in her muscles. Another vet suggested it might be ulcers radiating pain upward. So now I have to contact my insurance adjuster and see if we can have her scoped or if we need to treat and see what happens. I figure it's worth a shot. I've decided to try and postpone the dental surgery. I have to call the dentist this afternoon to discuss this with him but if it's at all possible I'd like to postpone it for a bit while we're running these tests. I'll have to see if he wants to continue the antibiotics in the meantime or what. But at least there was a ray of hope in my day. Also, all the vets have said they don't see any reason she couldn't be a broodmare so that opens up her options considerably again. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. I hope she is doing well Jill and that some things become clear soon!


ya'll come back now, ya hear?