07 August 2009

Ashamed of Myself

Oh Internet, I am eating crow right this very minute and I have to say it does not taste good.

I talked to Wanda's Current Owner and the longer we talked the more I realized that I allowed Previous Owner to get me worked up and flip things all out of proportion. On the bright side I'm feeling really good again about the home I sold her into and it's wonderful to stand by that decision.

But I'm so ashamed of msyelf for listening to Previous Owner's version of events and making decisions and even blog posts without talking to Current Owner. I was so ready to believe the bad things that P.O. was saying even though I know that P.O. tends to see everything in the worst possible light. I can only say that I'm an idiot and apologize publicly to C.O. for being willing to believe the things I heard.

The horse industry is so full of gossip and usually I'm the first one to take everything I hear with a grain of salt, or even a shaker full. And yet one phone call from P.O. and I threw all of my common sense out the window and did not wait to learn the whole story. C.O. is a wonderful owner for Wanda and is providing her the best home she can. Which is a pretty damn good one. I'm not going to beat myself up forever about this debacle but I am feeling very small today.

I did have a long talk with C.O. this morning and it sounds like if she decides to sell Wanda she'll keep me in mind as a possibility which is lovely. In the meantime I can rest easy in the certain knowledge that, although there are as many sides to a story as there are people in it, we all want what is best for the horse (even if we disagree sometimes about what that might be)!


  1. You are a big person to admit making a mistake - and especially admitting that you made a mistake, not just to yourself but publicly. That takes guts and courage. I'm so glad CO is OK and that you are happy with how things are.

  2. Oh wow, yea..humility is a blessing to the one that posseses the strength to allow it to manifest! Good for you.
    It is good to know that your Wanda is well taken care of and that you are at peace!


ya'll come back now, ya hear?